Tuesday 4 September 2012

Family in crises

Family in crisis

The family—the oldest institution on earth—is in crisis. What you read is the dominant atmosphere in many homes today. Father away at work, and mother and son draw sword at each other at home. If this is your situation, take heart.

  I like to assure you of two things:

*      You are not alone.

*      You can receive help to succeed.

The purpose of this site is to provide parents like you who want to succeed in building successful families with tools that you can use to succeed.

 Make no mistake to think that the foregoing article is typical of mother-and-son situations. I assure you that on the flip side fathers and daughters are breathing down at each other. Bottom line, anybody can be affected. And this site can give you valuables to succeed.





Family in crises

Family in crisis

The family—the oldest institution on earth—is in crisis. What you read is the dominant atmosphere in many homes today. Father away at work, and mother and son draw sword at each other at home. If this is your situation, take heart.

  I like to assure you of two things:

*      You are not alone.

*      You can receive help to succeed.

The purpose of this site is to provide parents like you who want to succeed in building successful families with tools that you can use to succeed.

 Make no mistake to think that the foregoing article is typical of mother-and-son situations. I assure you that on the flip side fathers and daughters are breathing down at each other. Bottom line, anybody can be affected. And this site can give you valuables to succeed.