Saturday 11 April 2015

Secular Woman

The woman is an interesting creation, albeit one sometimes misunderstood.
She is critical in a happy family. One thoughtless remark about her weight
for example, and the woman goes into a spell of eruptions.
Unguarded words can sink a happy family, trust me.
And if I have to joke hard sometimes, I stand at a safe distance.
I still want to maintain a supple cheek. Ah, don’t take me serious on this!

The weaker sex.

Did I just say that? Of course I did. Or rather I repeated, since I did not coin the expression. The Bible got there before me, and I like it that way. How does it sound? Cool. Is it derogatory? Nope. If anything, it should refresh the way we think of women. Remember, we want to do our bit in solving family crises. And if one method of achieving that is to make the woman of the home feel good about herself, why hold back.

Now here is the cracker. If the woman is the weaker sex, what is the man’s state? Are you thinking quick, or you are running on Pentium 1, oops! This little puzzle can heal a broken family.

You need some help. Go back to elementary school. Strong, Stronger, Strongest. Right?

What is the point?

What is the point? You said that, don’t deny it.

The point is:

Weak. Weaker. Weakest.

So if the woman is weaker, it follows that the man is weak. So both need help. All that bossiness, chauvinism, and what not have no real place. A loving family head understands this and so is tender toward his wife.

Even though the woman is only comparatively weaker than the man, she depends on him for headship and the submission that comes with it, so the family can sail smoothly and avoid crises. In the family, all needs to understand this as a recipe to enthrone family happiness.

Now comes the concept of secular woman. The woman is secular in outlook who, despite these arguments, schools herself into establishing a movement in liberation in spite of the atmosphere of understanding presented above.

And the result cannot be any farther from family crises.

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Thursday 9 April 2015

Sunday 10 March 2013


I have spent a lot of time discussing issues relating to family lately. A lot of persons have asked my view on the too-many family crises these days. I did not think before I replied secularism.

What is secularism? The Encarta Dictionary defines it as:

1. exclusion of religion from public affairs: the belief that religion and religious bodies should have no part in political or civic affairs or in running public institutions, especially schools

2.  rejection of religion: the rejection of religion or its exclusion from a philosophical or moral system. (Microsoft® Encarta® 2009)

By religion, I mean the undiluted truth as decreed by God. The purpose of this piece is to put a spotlight on the family institution, which is believed to be the oldest institution on earth and on morality in general.

Recall that God made our first parents and performed a wedding for them by ceremonially bringing the woman to the man and settling them in the Paradise of Eden. So who, other than the Institutor of the marriage arrangement, has the ability and right to issue practical guidance on successful marriage? What is the result when people secularise marriage? The answers are obvious.

It should not come as a surprise that more and more marriages are deeping into crises and breaking up. As the world goes increasingly secular, and more and more family members style their families after their personal preferences and the moral bankruptcy of the day, the inevitable will result.

Take this as an example. How do you manage the devastation of a girl who learns that the man who lives with her daddy is not her uncle or daddy’s friend but her mother? How can you bring her to comprehend why the mums of all her friends are females while hers is absurdly a male? How can she live with such an identity crises for the rest of her life? What world view would such a girl have of the roles of both sexes in the society?
This is just one area in which there will be conflicts if secularism takes the centre stage. There are so many other examples to provide.


I have spent a lot of time discussing issues relating to family lately. A lot of persons have asked my view on the too-many family crises these days. I did not think before I replied secularism.

What is secularism? The Encarta Dictionary defines it as:

1. exclusion of religion from public affairs: the belief that religion and religious bodies should have no part in political or civic affairs or in running public institutions, especially schools

2.  rejection of religion: the rejection of religion or its exclusion from a philosophical or moral system. (Microsoft® Encarta® 2009)

By religion, I mean the undiluted truth as decreed by God. The purpose of this piece is to put a spotlight on the family institution, which is believed to be the oldest institution on earth and on morality in general.

Recall that God made our first parents and performed a wedding for them by ceremonially bringing the woman to the man and settling them in the Paradise of Eden. So who, other than the Institutor of the marriage arrangement, has the ability and right to issue practical guidance on successful marriage? What is the result when people secularise marriage? The answers are obvious.

It should not come as a surprise that more and more marriages are deeping into crises and breaking up. As the world goes increasingly secular, and more and more family members style their families after their personal preferences and the moral bankruptcy of the day, the inevitable will result.

Take this as an example. How do you manage the devastation of a girl who learns that the man who lives with her daddy is not her uncle or daddy’s friend but her mother? How can you bring her to comprehend why the mums of all her friends are females while hers is absurdly a male? How can she live with such an identity crises for the rest of her life? What world view would such a girl have of the roles of both sexes in the society?
This is just one area in which there will be conflicts if secularism takes the centre stage. There are so many other examples to provide.


I have spent a lot of time discussing issues relating to family lately. A lot of persons have asked my view on the too-many family crises these days. I did not think before I replied secularism.

What is secularism? The Encarta Dictionary defines it as:

1. exclusion of religion from public affairs: the belief that religion and religious bodies should have no part in political or civic affairs or in running public institutions, especially schools

2.  rejection of religion: the rejection of religion or its exclusion from a philosophical or moral system. (Microsoft® Encarta® 2009)

By religion, I mean the undiluted truth as decreed by God. The purpose of this piece is to put a spotlight on the family institution, which is believed to be the oldest institution on earth and on morality in general.

Recall that God made our first parents and performed a wedding for them by ceremonially bringing the woman to the man and settling them in the Paradise of Eden. So who, other than the Institutor of the marriage arrangement, has the ability and right to issue practical guidance on successful marriage? What is the result when people secularise marriage? The answers are obvious.

It should not come as a surprise that more and more marriages are deeping into crises and breaking up. As the world goes increasingly secular, and more and more family members style their families after their personal preferences and the moral bankruptcy of the day, the inevitable will result.

Take this as an example. How do you manage the devastation of a girl who learns that the man who lives with her daddy is not her uncle or daddy’s friend but her mother? How can you bring her to comprehend why the mums of all her friends are females while hers is absurdly a male? How can she live with such an identity crises for the rest of her life? What world view would such a girl have of the roles of both sexes in the society?
This is just one area in which there will be conflicts if secularism takes the centre stage. There are so many other examples to provide.


I have spent a lot of time discussing issues relating to family lately. A lot of persons have asked my view on the too-many family crises these days. I did not think before I replied secularism.

What is secularism? The Encarta Dictionary defines it as:

1. exclusion of religion from public affairs: the belief that religion and religious bodies should have no part in political or civic affairs or in running public institutions, especially schools

2.  rejection of religion: the rejection of religion or its exclusion from a philosophical or moral system. (Microsoft® Encarta® 2009)

By religion, I mean the undiluted truth as decreed by God. The purpose of this piece is to put a spotlight on the family institution, which is believed to be the oldest institution on earth and on morality in general.

Recall that God made our first parents and performed a wedding for them by ceremonially bringing the woman to the man and settling them in the Paradise of Eden. So who, other than the Institutor of the marriage arrangement, has the ability and right to issue practical guidance on successful marriage? What is the result when people secularise marriage? The answers are obvious.

It should not come as a surprise that more and more marriages are deeping into crises and breaking up. As the world goes increasingly secular, and more and more family members style their families after their personal preferences and the moral bankruptcy of the day, the inevitable will result.

Take this as an example. How do you manage the devastation of a girl who learns that the man who lives with her daddy is not her uncle or daddy’s friend but her mother? How can you bring her to comprehend why the mums of all her friends are females while hers is absurdly a male? How can she live with such an identity crises for the rest of her life? What world view would such a girl have of the roles of both sexes in the society?
This is just one area in which there will be conflicts if secularism takes the centre stage. There are so many other examples to provide.


I have spent a lot of time discussing issues relating to family lately. A lot of persons have asked my view on the too-many family crises these days. I did not think before I replied secularism.

What is secularism? The Encarta Dictionary defines it as:

1. exclusion of religion from public affairs: the belief that religion and religious bodies should have no part in political or civic affairs or in running public institutions, especially schools

2.  rejection of religion: the rejection of religion or its exclusion from a philosophical or moral system. (Microsoft® Encarta® 2009)

By religion, I mean the undiluted truth as decreed by God. The purpose of this piece is to put a spotlight on the family institution, which is believed to be the oldest institution on earth and on morality in general.

Recall that God made our first parents and performed a wedding for them by ceremonially bringing the woman to the man and settling them in the Paradise of Eden. So who, other than the Institutor of the marriage arrangement, has the ability and right to issue practical guidance on successful marriage? What is the result when people secularise marriage? The answers are obvious.

It should not come as a surprise that more and more marriages are deeping into crises and breaking up. As the world goes increasingly secular, and more and more family members style their families after their personal preferences and the moral bankruptcy of the day, the inevitable will result.

Take this as an example. How do you manage the devastation of a girl who learns that the man who lives with her daddy is not her uncle or daddy’s friend but her mother? How can you bring her to comprehend why the mums of all her friends are females while hers is absurdly a male? How can she live with such an identity crises for the rest of her life? What world view would such a girl have of the roles of both sexes in the society?
This is just one area in which there will be conflicts if secularism takes the centre stage. There are so many other examples to provide.